Otto-Hahn-Str. 27
44227 Dortmund
电子邮件: mailbox@dentona.de
电话: +49 231 55560
网址: www.dentona.net
Jiang Hua
电子邮件: bjxkcy@vip.163.com
The brand new unique Type 4 Zero expansion gypsum dentona zero rock® for most precise implants and large pontics as well as the hardest die stone dentona Nº1 represent the top products in the global dental plaster market.
In the digital fabrication both the optiprint® resins for all 3d printing applications as well as the combinable material for the production of the most comfortable and thermoelastic night guards and interim restorations by the help of optimill memosplint® milling blanks and dentona flexisplint® and vivatemp® powder liquid solutions spearhead the market.
dentona zero rock®
dentona ZERO rock® is the brand new unique special super hard stone with 0,00% expansion for all saw and full models. Optimized for large-span implants and bridge works it is unbeatably exact whenever high precision is required allowing an easy exposure of the preparation line with perfect edge stability.